Online registration provides parents with self-service functionality to register students for an upcoming academic year. Instead of keying in handwritten forms, staff can quickly review, approve, and correct information entered directly by parents. Instead of printing out hundreds of documents, staff can make those documents available for download.
Families who already have an account through TeacherEase can simply log in and go to the Online Registration page when it is made available. Families new to your district will have to submit a request to be added first; upon approval, they will be granted login access and can fill out the entire registration process created by the school.
To prepare for online registration, read this guide for step-by-step instructions. Before beginning setup, you will want to gather all your online registration information: any forms that need to be filled out, a list of fees that you will charge, etc.
For additional training, email support@common-goal with details about your timeline and what areas of online registration you will be using.
Academic Year Setup
Before you can set up registration for the next academic year, you should go through the beginning stages of the yearly rollover process. This is important because all your registration options must be set up in the academic year that students are registering for, and parents will only be able to see online registration if their student has been added to the new year.
Online Registration Setup
- Configure online registration options
- Create online registration collectors
- Create registration forms
- Create registration fees
- New student message templates
Online Registration Processing
- Approval of new families
- Newly approved families and returning families fill out registration
- Process registration forms for new and returning students
- View and Download Online Registration File Uploads in bulk
- Send reminders to families to complete online registration
- Apply fees to students who haven’t already paid
After you have finished setting up your registration in one academic year, you will be able to roll it over to the next academic year, preserving the same steps and fees for future use.