This article explains the Oklahoma Wave entities and associated data fields that need to be entered or updated after creating a new academic year. SchoolInsight enables you to edit data in the future academic year before it starts. Usually, you will finish reviewing this data in June.
There are 8 entities that will need to be checked on after creating a new academic year. The first 3 are year specific; therefore, you need to update the dates and instructional minutes on them:
- Grading Periods
- Calendar Summary
- Calendar Dates
The following 5 have data that SchoolInsight has rolled over from the previous year. You will need to edit these data if there will be changes, or when you add new entities such as creating new courses, classes etc.
- Courses
- Classes
- Staff
- Students
- Student Contacts
Below find the specific fields for each entity and articles that will help you update them.
Grading Periods
- Start Date
- End Date
- Term Span
How do I enter Oklahoma Wave grading period data?
Calendar Summary
- Instructional Minutes
- Minutes per Day
- Lunch Minutes
- Date When First Nine Weeks Ends
- Graduation Date
- Calendar Type
How do I enter Oklahoma Wave calendar summary data?
Calendar Dates
- Attendance Type Code
- Report As
- Instructional Minutes
How do I update Oklahoma Wave calendar days?
- State Number
- Academic Course
- Instructional Level
- Credit Type
How do I enter Oklahoma Wave data course data?
- Medium of Instruction
- Location of Instruction
- Room
- Period of the Day
How do I enter Oklahoma Wave class data?
- Number
- Birth Date
- State Number/Province ID
- Ethnicity/Race
- Gender
- Language
- Hire Date
- Citizenship Status
- Job Function
- Primary Assignment
- Itinerant Teacher
- Job FTE
- Job Start Date (usually first date of school year)
- Job End Date (usually last date of school year)
- Teaching Assignment
- Other Code
How do I enter Oklahoma Wave data staff data?
- Student Number
- Gender
- Grade Level
- Transportation Code
- Lunch Program Type
- Lunch Eligibility Determination
- Economically Disadvantaged
- Graduation Date
- Home School
- Serving School
- Calendar
- Birth Place
- State of Birth
- Birth Country
- Mother's Maiden Name
- Parent's Marital Status
- Previous School
- State/Province ID
- Enrolled in Previous Year
- Projected Graduation Year
- On-time Graduation Year
- Graduating Class
- Entry Date into District
- Residency Status
- Non-resident Attend Reason
- Legal Guardian is a Member of the United States Armed Forces
- Legal Guardian is a member of the United States Reserves
- Legal Guardian is member of the National Guard
- Ethnicity
- Race
- English Proficiency
- English Proficiency (Other Code)
- Primary Home Language
- Native Language
- Dominant Language
- Bilingual
- Gifted/Talented Identified
- Vocational Concentrator
- Immigrant
- Neglected Delinquent
- Alternative Education
- Gifted/Talented
- Technologically Literate
- Core Curriculum
- Migrant
- Is the student IDEA=eligible
- Has IEP
- IEP Accommodation ??
- Section 504
- 504 Accommodation
- Runaway
- Head Start
- Title I
- First Year In US
- Homeless
- Homeless Primary Night Time Residence
- Homeless McKinney - Vento
- Homeless Unaccompanied Youth
- ND At Risk
- ND Neglected
- ND Juvenile Detention
- ND Juvenile Corrections
- ND Other
How do I update Oklahoma Wave student data?
Student Contacts
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Custodial Status
- Relationship
How do I add a contact to a student?