Before paying a substitute, you will need to add them as a new employee. Substitute positions do not require any wage item because their pay is managed on the Financials Main > Human Resources > Employee Attendance/Time Off/Substitutes page. During each payroll run, substitutes will be imported from that page into the payroll register.
Assign substitutes
Substitute employees can be added three ways, all from the Employee Attendance/Time Off/Substitutes page.
- Enter one substitute in conjunction with an employee absence by clicking Create Attendance. After filling in the absent employee’s information, you can link a substitute using the fields at the bottom.
- Assign many substitutes at once to cover all the absences over a past time period by clicking Mass Assign Substitutes. This is particularly helpful when assigning substitutes to employees who called out in advance, before a substitute could be arranged.
- Assign substitutes who aren’t linked to a particular employee absence by clicking Add Substitute without Absence.
Substitute fields
Whichever method you use to record the substitute, you will need to fill out the same fields.
- Date: The date(s) the employee acted as a substitute.
- Name: This list displays both employees who are marked as Substitute Only and Regular Employees. You can start typing the employee’s name to search more quickly.
- Position: Make sure you choose the correct position. Some substitute-only employees may have a certified position and a non-certified position. Some regular employees may have a regular position and a substitute position.
- Payroll Item: This should generally be the item labeled Substitute Pay.
- Account: The expense account that the substitute will be paid out of. You can choose to prepopulate this account with the absent employee’s Fund, Function, and Responsibility Center + a specific object for substitutes by going to Human Resources > Time Off Options.
- Pay Rate: Choose one of the pay rates configured or select a one-time Custom Rate. To configure additional default pay rates, go to Human Resources > Substitute Pay Rates.
- Amount: Enter the units of substitute pay in hours or days, depending on the rate. This will be multiplied by the rate to calculate the employee’s pay.