In addition to English report cards, SchoolInsight supports report cards in Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese. We supply a translation for many of the default report card fields, and other custom fields can be entered in these languages.
There are several steps to ensure the report card is correctly translated and printed in each student's preferred language:
- Set the district languages
- Edit report card translations
- Edit custom entries
- Provide Learning Target Translations
- Turn on multi-lingual report cards
- Set student language preferences
- Generate report cards
Set the District Languages
To use multiple languages on the report card, you must set up those languages for use at your district. SchoolInsight supports translation for Spanish and Polish.
To select the report card languages:
- Go to District Main > Options > Languages
- Edit Languages
- Select the language(s)
- Save
Edit Report Card Translations
SchoolInsight provides translations for the automated report card text in the system (e.g. credits, class rank, parent signature, etc), but you can change this text if you prefer to translate the items differently.
To edit report card translations:
- Go to District Main > Languages
- Edit Report Card Translations
- Verify the translations and make changes as necessary
- Save
Edit Custom Entries
There are several areas in the report card where admins can enter their own text. With additional district languages added, those fields now contains multiple tabs, one for each language. To add translations, simply navigate to the page where you enter the English text, and then find the nearby field for the Polish or Spanish translation.
Examples of custom text that you might want to add translations for include:
- Report card header and message
- Report card items
- Grading scale notes
- Teacher comments
- The translation field will only appear for students with a preferred language other than English
Provide Learning Target Translations
If you want learning targets to appear on your report cards in a different language, you will have to manually enter in translations into your desired languages for those learning targets.
To add translations to existing learning targets:
- Go to Main > Courses > Course - Single View
- Look up the course
- Click on the Learning Targets tab
- Click edit next to the Learning Target you wish to translate
- In the Description section, enter in the translation and save
If you want to add translations to learning targets when you are creating them, you will want to follow the steps listed on the How do I Manually Add Learning Targets to a Course? and enter in the translations when typing in the description.
Turn on Multi-Lingual Report Cards
If you want to print report cards in different languages for different students, you must turn on multi-lingual report cards.
To turn on multi-lingual report cards:
- Go to Main > Grade Reporting > Options
- Edit
- Check Use Multiple Languages
- Save
Set student language preferences
SchoolInsight can automatically generate report cards in each student’s preferred language. Admins can mass enter preferred language data for many students at once.
To set a preferred report card language for each student:
- Go to School Main > Students - Multi View
- Mass Edit
- Select a language in the field Preferred Language for Report Cards
- Select students to edit
- Save
Generate Report Cards
When it is time to print report cards, you can choose to generate report cards in a specific language or use the preferred language for each student.
To generate report cards in each student’s preferred language:
- Go to School Main > Grade Reporting > Generate Report Cards
- Choose a specific language or Student’s Requested Language
- Generate Report