As part of the yearly rollover process, you will roll over accruable time off balances from one fiscal year to the next.
Maximum carry over limits
Balance conversion
Correcting starting balances
Adding new time off
Maximum carry over limits
At some districts, employees have a maximum limit on the amount of time off they can roll over each year. Before you begin the rollover process, go to the Time Off Options page and set the Max Time Off Carry Over limits.
For example, if your district contract says that no personal days can be rolled over from one year to the next, you would set the limit to 0 for certified and non-certified employees. If there is no restriction, you can leave the limits blank.
There is no need to enter a limit for non-accruable time off types.
To edit the carry over limits:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Time Off Options
- Set the Fiscal Year to the year that is about to end or has just ended
- Edit
- Set Max Time Off Carry Over
- Save
When the Max Time Off Carry Over limits are set, you can roll over accruable time off balances from one fiscal year to the next. The rollover page will show you a preview, which will highlight any time off lost due to maximum carry over limits, and allow you to convert balances from one type to another.
To roll over time off balances:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Time Off Balances
- Set the Fiscal Year to the year that is about to end or has just ended
- Rollover Time Off Balances
- See the Balance Conversion section if applicable
- Review the data
- Save
When running payroll, remember to import the data in the Time Off tab like normal, even if the employees don’t have any absences because of summer break. If you don’t import the data, their time off balances will not be displayed on pay stubs.
Balance conversion
At many districts, remaining personal days are converted to sick days in the new fiscal year. This conversion can be done between any accruable time off types when previewing the rollover data.
NOTE: Watch out for negative values. If the zeroed-out time off type (e.g. Personal) has a negative balance, converting will subtract from the converted time off balance (e.g. Sick). If this is the case, see Correcting Starting Balances below.
To convert balances from one time off type to another, starting from the Rollover Time Off Balance page:
- Check Convert Time Off Balances
- Check the time off type that will be zeroed out
- In the Convert Balance To column, select the time off type that will receive the unused days
- Review the data and Save
Correcting starting balances
The Rollover Time Off page follows strict rules and only displays a preview of how those rules will be applied. If there are any exceptions to those rules, or if a mistake is made, you can make corrections after rollover by editing the starting balance entry.
The most common reasons for corrections are:
- Time off was rolled over before all entries from the previous year were entered
- A negative balance was rolled over and needs to be converted to zero
- A negative balance was converted and reduced another time off type’s positive balance
To edit starting balances:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Employee Attendance/Time Off/Substitutes
- Set the fiscal year to the newly created year
- Set the date range to July 1st
- Find the starting balance entry that needs to be correct (you may want to use the Employee filter), click Edit, enter a new Time Off Amount, and Save
- Or find the entry, click the down arrow next to it, and Delete
Adding new time off
After rollover, you can add newly earned time off for the next fiscal year’s contract.
You may pick a specific date for time off to be posted in the future. For example, you may want to indicate that teachers don’t earn their new time off until the start of the new contract.
To add newly earned time off:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Time Off Balances or Employee Attendance/Time Off/Substitutes
- Choose the new fiscal year
- Mass Edit Time Off
- Clear the filter on the Earned Time Off Already column (by default, it is hiding everyone with rolled over balances)
- Set a Date to which the newly earned time off should be posted
- Under each time off type, edit the Adjust Amount to show how many new days/hours are being earned
- Save