Discipline message templates are helpful in automating the process of notifying parents and instructors about student discipline incidents. Templates can be selected when notifying via email or letter.
The structure of a template is listed below with an explanation of each part:
- Subject - the subject line used for email notifications
- Top Body - used to set up the report details
- Report Details - contains automatically generated details based on the discipline incident
- Bottom Body - used for the conclusion or incident follow up instructions
- Signature - used to place contact info so parents/guardians can contact the right person
Creating a Message Template
SchoolInsight creates a default template for use in suspensions. Create new templates if you need them for specific incident types.
To create a new discipline message template:
- Go To District or School Main > Discipline > Message Templates
- (District Level Only) Select which school to view
- Create Message Templates
- Fill the data
- Enter in the Number Templates Printable per page when generating templates
- Mark if this report is available to instructors
- Save
Editing/Deleting a Message Template
When editing a message template, you can edit all parts of the message or mark it inactive. If you want to remove a template that has been used, mark it inactive to ensure it does not affect existing data.
To update a message template:
- Go To District or School Main > Discipline > Message Templates
- (District Level Only) Select which school to view
- Edit the message template
- (optional) Change if this template is available to instructors
- (optional) Change the active status
- Save