Using external attendance is the most effective way to take attendance for students with external enrollments at other schools for a portion of their day. Internal attendance at the home school can be logged as class/period attendance but external attendance should be added using the external attendance feature. The total minutes spent internally and externally is automatically calculated to log daily attendance for the student.
To begin logging external attendance, a school must first create external schools and then create external enrollments for individual students.
To enter external attendance for students with external enrollments:
- Go to Admin Main > Attendance > External Attendance
- Specify the Time Frame
- Choose a group of students
- Choose a Serving School
- Generate
- Click Set Attendance to Default button to let the system calculate values for you
- Depending on your school’s attendance mode (more information below) you may review:
- Internal Minutes spent at your school and total
- External Minutes spent at the external school.
- These totals are added up to calculate the Total Minutes to determine the daily attendance Code
- Make any additional manual adjustments
- Save
The Set Attendance to Default works differently depending on the school’s attendance mode.
If your school uses Secondary: Import First Period Attendance
- (Uncommon) You may enter Internal Minutes or External Minutes manually.
- (Recommended) Click Set Attendance to Default Full Credit to generate the minutes automatically from:
- The school start/end times, if attendance is set to use Clock Time
- The student’s schedule, if attendance is set to use Instructional Time
If your school uses Secondary: Calculate at End of Day Attendance:
- You may not change Internal Minutes, because they’re automatically generated from the students’ period attendance.
- (Uncommon) You may change External Minutes manually
- (Recommended) Click Set External Attendance to Default to generate external minutes for all students based on what was entered for Minutes at serving school in their external enrollments’ details