This article goes over SchoolInsight Financials Summary Reports. If you are looking for information on SchoolInsight School Information System (SIS) Summary Reports, please look at this article.
Summary reports are essentially pivot tables, displaying totals and subtotals instead of individual pieces of data. By controlling what columns, rows, filters, etc. are applied to the report, you can obtain a great variety of data summarized into convenient tables that can be exported to Excel or printed.
Report Creation
Row Area and Column Area
Measure Area
Remove Fields
Drill Down
Export and Print
Report Creation
Start by choosing the basic report settings:
- Go to Financials Main > General Ledger > Saved Reports
- Create
- Select the Type: Summary
- Select a Data Type
- Create
The first step in configuration of the report is to define your data set. Depending on the data type, you may be asked to select a time frame, a specific date, or one or more payroll runs.
Next, use the Configure Report button to change the report settings. All potential fields are listed on the left-hand panel, organized into folders so that it’s easy to find the field you want. Manipulate the settings by dragging and dropping fields into the panels on the right.
Row Area and Column Area
Except for the Measures, each field in the left panel can be added as rows or columns. The resulting data takes the form of a table, with whatever measure has been chosen calculated in each cell of the table.
For example, the default Payroll Items report shows Employees as rows and Calculation Steps as columns. This creates a table in which every employee has their own row, and each calculation step has its own column. The intersecting cells will show all instances (within the selected payroll runs) of payroll items that belong to the employee and are categorized under the calculation step. i.e. You can see each employee’s total Wages, total Pre-Tax Deductions, etc. in a different cell.
You may add multiple fields to the Row Area or Column Area in order to group data. For example, add Employee Certified and Employee Name to the Row Area in order to group employees by whether or not they are certified, and to see subtotals of each calculation step. You can either show or hide the individual employee names; either way, you will see a subtotal for certified employees and a subtotal for non-certified employees.
In this example, the certified employees are collapsed, so you can only see the total. Clicking the arrow next to “Certified” would reveal all the individual certified employees.
Measure Area
The fields in the Measures folder can be dragged to the Measures Area to define what type of data is being calculated. Different measures will either sum or count data in the rows and columns. When looking at payroll items dollar values, use the Amount measure. If trying to count how many employees were included on a payroll run, use the Distinct Employee Count measure.
The first way to filter is to use the filter icon next to a field that has been added as a row or column. The filter icon is accessible both within the Configure Report window and when viewing the report. When you open the filter, simply check/uncheck the possible data points to configure which data is included.
To filter on fields that are not displayed as rows or columns, open the Configure Report window and drag a field into the Filter Area. These fields can be filtered just like the ones in the Row Area and Column Area, but they will not display on the report.
Remove Fields
To remove a field from any of the areas in the Update Report window, drag and drop the field back into the All Fields panel.
Drill Down
Click each cell to open a new window that shows the specific rows of data that were added together to make the total in that cell. For example, a Payroll Items report will show all instances of the payroll items that make up the total displayed in the cell.
In the Drill Down Window, click Available Columns to view and select additional details to add to the drill down report. Drag the column you want to add so that it is placed between two columns that are already visible.
If desired, you can then Export the Drill Down Window as a PDF or Excel file.
When the report is modified in the way you want, you can save it for future use. All saved reports are accessible from Financials Main > General Ledger > Saved Reports. Click Run to open up the report again at any time.
If your report has already been saved, there will be two save options:
Save will overwrite the current saved report with new settings. This option also allows you to rename a report without creating a new version.
Save As... will create a new copy of the report without affecting the previously saved settings. Both the old report and the new report will be available on the Saved Reports page.
Export and Print
Summary reports have the option to Export To PDF, Export To PDF (paper saver), and Export to Excel. The PDFs can be printed or saved to your hard drive. The default PDF tries to avoid breaking up groups of data, but this can result in longer documents. The paper saver version keeps every column separate, so grouped data may be broken up across multiple pages.