This article goes over SchoolInsight Financials Details Reports. If you are looking for information on SchoolInsight School Information System detailed reports, please look at this article.
Details reports display individual rows of data, with totals at the bottom. You may also group rows of data by a specific field to get subtotals.
Report Creation
Add or Remove Columns
Filter Columns
Export and Print
Report Creation
Start by choosing the basic report settings:
- Go to Financials Main > General Ledger > Saved Reports
- Create
- Select the Type: Details
- Select a Data Type
- Create
The first step in configuration of the report is to define your data set. Depending on the data type, you may be asked to select a time frame, a specific date, or one or more payroll runs. From there, you can begin fine-tuning the report settings to show exactly what you’re looking for.
Add and Remove Columns
To change which columns appear on the report, click the three-dot icon next to any column, then hover over the Columns menu to display all possible columns. Check a column to add it; uncheck a column to remove it. After a column has been added, you can drag and drop it to a different location.
You may choose to temporarily add a column in order to filter by it, then hide it. Although this can help present the data in printed format, it is recommended to not save a report with hidden filters. If you come back to the report months later, you may forget that the filter is in place and inadvertently omit certain data.
Filter Columns
To filter data, click the three-dot icon next to the column you wish to filter. Hovering over the word Filter will either display all the possible entries in the column or a logic menu. Click the Clear button to reset the filter on that column and display all data.
For columns that have a limited data set (e.g. names, dates, account numbers, data types), you will see a multi-select list. This allows you to check all the data points you want to include in the report; any row that contains the entry you uncheck will not show on the report. Click the Filter button to apply your filters.
For columns with numerical data, the Filter menu shows a logic filter. You can select a logical expression such as “Is equal to”, “Is greater than or equal to”, or “Is less than.” For all expressions except “Is null” and “Is not null”, fill in the next blank space with a number to complete the expression.
You may add up to two logical expressions in the filter. For example, if you want to find all records with an amount between $500 and $999.99, you will use the expressions “Is greater than or equal to 500” and “Is less than 1000.”
You can also join two statements with “Or” instead of “And.” For example, “Is null” or “Is less than 50” will display rows of data that contain no amount or amounts smaller than 50.
Data can be sorted by clicking a column header. Click once to sort alphabetically or numerically. Click twice to sort in reverse order. Click three times to remove the sorting. A number appears next to each sorted column to indicate which order columns are sorted in.
For example, if you want to sort payments by vendor name and then check number with most recent checks appearing first, click the Vendor column once and then the Check/ACH # column twice. The Vendor column will have a 1, and the Check/ACH # will have a 2. The direction of the arrow indicates whether the sorting is alphabetical/numerical or in reverse order.
The light blue bar above the column headers allows you to group and subtotal data. To group by a specific column, drag and drop the column header into the grouping bar.
A group appears as a gray line above all the rows of data in that group. If a numerical column can be subtotaled, the subtotal will appear on the gray line. However, not all columns should be subtotaled. When running a Payments, Invoices, and Line Items report, for example, the Payment Amount is the sum of all line items paid together. “Invoice Line Item Amount Paid” should be used instead to get the actual amount paid for each row of data.
Each group is collapsible to hide rows within that group. Collapsing all groups will allow you view all the subtotals at a glance.
Multiple groupings can be added to the same report. The order (from left to right) determines the order in which the groupings apply. For example, you might group a payment report by vendor, then check number. This allows you separate out multiple checks that were paid to the same vendor and get a subtotal for each check.
When the report is modified in the way you want, you can save it for future use. All saved reports are accessible from Financials Main > General Ledger > Saved Reports. Click Run to open up the report again at any time.
If your report has already been saved, there will be two save options:
Save will overwrite the current saved report with new settings. This option also allows you to rename a report without creating a new version.
Save As... will create a new copy of the report without affecting the previously saved settings. Both the old report and the new report will be available on the Saved Reports page.
Export and Print
Details reports have the options Export to Excel and Print. The Print option brings up a new window which can be directly printed or saved as a PDF through most browsers’ Print menus. Note that the Excel version does not currently support printing subtotals for grouped data.