The Period Attendance Console is available for schools who use one of SchoolInsight’s secondary attendance modes. It allows the admin to monitor/update unentered class attendance and individual student attendance, as well as import and calculate daily attendance all in one place.
Some tools accessible in the period attendance console are actually better discussed in separate articles:
- Calculate Daily Attendance
- How does the Secondary: Calculate at End of Day attendance mode work?
- How does automatic attendance code selection work?
- Calculate Missing Period Attendance
- Import Period Attendance
- Enter Future Attendance
The other important functions of the Period Attendance Console relate to monitoring attendance throughout the day.
Unentered Attendance
The Unentered Attendance table lists all classes that have unentered period attendance. It’s organized with instructor names as rows by the bell periods of that day’s bell schedule as columns. On the bottom, there is a short summary of the day’s current attendance statistics.
If at least one student in the class is missing a period attendance value, the class will be listed here. The admin can investigate further by clicking on one of the classes to see who is missing attendance for that combination of class and bell period. The admin has the ability, at that point, to enter an attendance value for the missing students or leave notes if necessary.
Once all attendance has been logged for a class, it will no longer appear on the Unentered Attendance table.
Student Monitoring
The Period Attendance Console is the best place to monitor the period attendance of individual students throughout the day. The Students table lists all students’ period attendance values for that day. It’s organized with student names as rows by the bell periods of that day’s bell schedule as columns. On the bottom, there is a short summary of the day’s current period attendance statistics.
Here is a sample of how attendance might look after Period 1:
The check boxes at that top allow the admin to shift focus on absences, tardies or missing attendance but they can select to view all values by checking all of the boxes.
The admin can monitor a single student’s attendance for the day more closely by clicking their name. The admin at that point has the ability to enter or change any period attendance values, enter in/out times, or leave attendance notes. Additionally, the student’s contacts are listed for reference, in case they need to be contacted about their student’s attendance.
Alternatively, the admin can focus in on a student with the Quick Entry tool:
- Quick Entry
- Type student’s name in the search bar
- Select student’s name from search results