When creating class schedules, you may wish to indicate which room each class is taught in. This can be useful if printing student schedules or trying to identify a student’s location at any moment in the day. You can also create schedules that are organized by room assignment.
Creating Rooms
To create a room:
- Go to Admin Main > Scheduling > Rooms > Create Room
- Fill out the fields with the desired information. Any fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- Save
Assigning Rooms
Admins can assign rooms to classes one at a time, or they can assign a room to multiple classes at once.
To assign a room to a single class:
- Go to Admin Main > Classes/Sections
- Search for the class and click Edit
- Select the Room under Scheduling Options
- Save
To mass assign a room to many classes:
- Go to Admin Main > Classes/Sections > Mass Edit
- Select the Room under Data to Edit
- Use the filters to find the classes you want to add the room to
- Check the boxes next to the classes
- Save
Generating Room Schedules
After assigning rooms to classes, admins can generate both a master and individual room schedule. These schedules can be used to verify that rooms aren’t double-booked and see when classrooms are unoccupied.
To create a room schedule:
- Go to Admin Main > Scheduling
- Select the schedule you want under Manual Master Schedule Creation
- Master Schedule by Room shows all rooms and their assigned classes for all periods
- Individual Room Schedule shows the schedule for a single room
- To print a copy of each room’s schedule, select Room under Printable Schedules