Students may exit from and return to a single school or district over the years. Instead of creating an entirely new record, you should re-enroll the student to retain all of their previous records and information.
Depending on the situation, a student may need a current year’s enrollment updated or may need a new enrollment created using a past year’s data.
Student Has an Enrollment in the Current Year
Student Has an Enrollment in a Past Year
Student Has an Enrollment in the Current Year
If the student attended some portion of the current academic year and was exited, they would now be considered inactive.
To re-enroll a currently inactive student:
- Go to District Main or School Main > Student - Single View
- Search for the student you wish to re-enroll
- Within the Current Status field under the General tab, select Re-Enroll
- Enter the details of the student’s new enrollment. The prior enrollment record will be shown on the bottom.
- Re-Enroll
Student Has an Enrollment in a Past Year
If the student has no record of any enrollment for the current academic year, but has an enrollment in a past year, you can re-enroll them with the create student feature.
- Go to District Main or School Main > Student Single-View
- Select Create Student
- Enter the last and first name of the student to be re-enrolled
- When there is an existing student within the system with matching information, a student list will appear on the right-hand side
- Review the student names, birthdates, and grade levels in the list to determine which enrollment matches
- If the student has been previously enrolled, select their name from the list
- Edit/Enroll Existing Student
- On the following page, you may enter more student demographic information but all mandatory data should already be entered.
- Save