This article will help admins determine why a student or a parent cannot see the e-learning check-in popup on the main page on parent and student portals. Listed below are common causes:
- Parent is not a custodial parent
- Parent/Student is not using the correct email to log in to TeacherEase
- Parent email address is shared with a non-custodial contact
- Student not enrolled in a class marked to take attendance
- Parent missed the e-learning check-in time frame
- Unassigned cycle days
- Date not marked as e-learning day on the academic calendar
- Parent needs to clear browser’s cache
Parent is not a custodial parent
To check if a parent is marked as custodial parent:
- Go to Main > Student Single-view
- Search for and select the student
- Select the Contacts tab
- Locate the parent’s name in the contacts table near the bottom of the page
- Verify Custodial Status is set to Custodial Parent/Guardian
- Verify Web/Records Access is set to Yes
If needed the admin can click edit the contact and update the parent’s permissions and custodial status.
Parent/Student is not using the correct email to log in to TeacherEase
Some parents could be using their spouse’s email address, and the spouse could have limited permissions.
To verify the email address currently assigned to the parent:
- Go to Main > Student Single-view
- Search for and select the student
- Select the Contacts tab
- Click on the parent’s name in the Family table
- Verify the email they have contacted you with is their email in TeacherEase
- Next to their Email, select logins
- Verify that they have logged in
Parent email address is shared with a non-custodial contact
When two persons have the email address, the system will limit functionality to the least set of permissions. For example, if the same email address is set for a custodial parent, but also for an emergency contact, then the system will not display the e-learning check-in functionality to the user who logs in using this email address.
To check, if the same email address is assigned to other contacts:
- Go to Main > Communications > Email Address Search
- Type the parent’s email address
- Select Search
If you see more than one result, then search for the additional contacts and check their permissions. We recommend that you delete the email address from the additional contacts and ask each person to provide their own email address that they can use to log in.
Student not enrolled in a class marked to take attendance
The e-learning check-in appears for students who are enrolled in a class roster for at least one class that is marked to take attendance. If using self-contained attendance, this should be just one class while secondary modes allow for students to be enrolled in multiple classes to take attendance.
To check if the student is enrolled in at least one class marked to take attendance:
- Go to School Main > Student Single-view
- Search for and select the student
- Select the Scheduling tab
- Click on Rosters
- Verify that at least one class is marked Take Attendance in the Options column
If the student is not enrolled in any class marked to take attendance then consider adding the student to a class that takes attendance, or edit a class to mark it to take attendance from classes/sections.
Parent missed the e-learning check-in time frame
Some parents may attempt to check-in before or after the set start/end times for the e-learning check-in options. We recommend that you check these options and ask the parent what time they were trying to check-in.
To check the e-learning check-in start/end times options:
- Go to School Main > Attendance > Options
- Scroll down to the E-Learning option and view the Check-in time frame
Unassigned cycle days
In order to take attendance while using the scheduling module, a cycle day will need to be assigned to each calendar day. To check if a cycle day has been assigned, please refer to this article:
Date not marked as e-learning day on the academic calendar
In some cases the student’s academic calendar may not be set to use e-learning check-in on the day when they were expecting to check-in. Below we will give instructions that will help you identify the student’s calendar and then how to check if the date on the calendar is set for e-learning check in.
To check which calendar is assigned to a student:
- Go to Main > Student Single-view
- Search for and select the student
- In the General tab, observe which Calendar the student uses
To check if a date is marked for e-learning check-in for a specific date:
- Go to Main > Academic Calendars
- Hover over the calendar and click
- Hover over the date and verify that it is marked E-Learning Attendance Day
Parent needs to clear browser’s cache
As a last resort, we recommend that the user clears their internet browser cache data. All web browsers store data to expedite page loading and enhance the user experience. Sometimes the stored data could be outdated or corrupt.
To clear a web browser cache:
- Close and then re-open your internet browser
- Press the following key combination on your keyboard CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE
- A new window will popup with information about deleting the cache
- Confirm the message, so cache will be deleted
- Login to TeacherEase
- You should be able to check-in