A work calendar defines when an employee is expected to work and for which days they are paid. This has impacts on attendance, docked pay, and in Illinois, reporting to TRS.
There are three steps in the process of fully creating and assigning work calendars:
Create a work calendar
Edit work calendar dates
Assign work calendars to positions
Create a work calendar
Every district will need at least a couple of work calendars, to distinguish year-long positions (e.g. superintendent) from school-year employees (e.g. teachers), although many more may be used.
To create a work calendar:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Work Calendars
- Enter a descriptive Title, a Start Date, and an End Date
- Save
The dates in between the start and end are configured to automatically count all Mondays through Fridays as work days, except for certain pre-coded holidays.
If the start or end dates of the calendar change, you can always come back to the Work Calendars page, click the down arrow, and Edit those details.
Edit work calendar dates
After the start and end dates are assigned, you’ll need to specify the role of each day on the calendar. By default, all Mondays through Fridays between the start and end date are considered work days, with the exception of a few pre-coded holidays. You’ll need to edit each month to configure the days to match your district’s calendar.
Each day must be assigned one of three different codes:
Work Day (X): A day when the employee works. An employee can only be marked absent on a work day. This adds to the work days subtotal and the contract days subtotal.
Paid Day Off (P): A day when the employee does not work, but is still paid. This adds to the contract days subtotal.
Other Non-Work Day: A day when the employee does not work and is not paid. This does not add to either subtotal.
To edit the days:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Work Calendars
- Click Dates next to the calendar
- Edit a month
- If a date needs changing, use the dropdown menu to select a different code
- Save
To confirm that the calendar is correctly configured, the Work Calendar Dates page shows a subtotal of the total number of Work Days and the total number of Contract Days (work days + paid days off).
The Work Days total is used to calculate docked pay. If a salaried employee is docked one day of pay, the amount is calculated as (1 / # of work days) * yearly salary.
The Contract Days total is used by Illinois customers only, in the downloadable TRS Gemini reports.
Assign work calendars to positions
Work calendars are assigned to employee positions rather than employees as individuals. This means that a single employee may have multiple positions, each with a different work calendar.
To assign positions to a work calendar:
- Go to Financials Main > Human Resources > Employee Positions (multi-view) > Mass Edit Employee Positions
- Select a Work Calendar to apply
- Check each employee/position that should use this work calendar
- Tip: You can use the filters in each column to narrow down the list of employees/positions displayed.
- Save
For customers in Illinois: If an employee is on multiple calendars, the one with the highest number of contract days will be used in TRS reporting.