TeacherEase’s e-learning grading allows teachers to implement a “do no educational harm” approach in the gradebook. The teachers set a start date and calculate a threshold score per student. TeacherEase will automatically drop scores that fall below the threshold for assignments due after the start date. Moreover, teachers can override regular grading scales with Pass/Incomplete letter grades per individual students.
This feature is available for traditional grades only (not available for standards-based grading). Click here to learn how to check your grading scales.
Teachers manage e-learning grading setting as follows:
- Go to Instructor Main > Gradebook > Setup > E-Learning Grading Settings
- Select the e-learning start date
- To calculate the drop thresholds
- Click on calculate drop threshold
- Select the grading period and date from which the average is calculated, even if it is not the current one
- (Optional) Check the checkbox calculate for all my classes to apply the same grading period and date for all your classes
- Save
- (Optional) To change the drop threshold value for a student click on it and enter a new value, then hit the enter key
- (Optional) Click on regular scale in a student’s row, if you would like to use Pass/Incomplete letter grades instead of the regular grading scale for the class
- (Optional) Set all pass/incomplete will set the grading scale for all students to pass/incomplete at once
- Save Changes
If e-learning grading is a school-wide policy, admins can initialize the start date and calculate the student averages from that date. We recommend that you test the option for a single class at the instructor level first before implementing it across all gradebooks.
School admins can start the e-learning grading setup following these steps:
- Go to Admin Main > Grade Reporting > Options
- Edit
- Set the start date for dropping grades below threshold
- (Optional) Check update e-learning grading settings for all classes
- This will set the date and calculates drop thresholds for all classes that haven’t been setup by teachers yet
- This option does not affect the grading scale vs Pass/Incomplete letter grades
- (Optional) Check override existing values
- This will override the dates and threshold values set by teachers. It is not recommended to use this option if some teachers have already completed the setup on their end.
- Save
After the admin sets the values for the school, each teacher can adjust the start date per class and the drop threshold per student. If needed, the teacher can select students that should receive Pass/Incomplete letter grades.
Use case
This is a typical gradebook before e-learning grading is set up:
The teacher will set up e-learning grading based on student averages from 3/5/2020 as follows:
The gradebook will look like this after e-learning grading is set up:
Here are a few observations:
- This icon indicates a dropped assignment grade. Hover over it to see the start date, drop threshold, and the assignment grade.
- Assignment grades below the threshold are automatically dropped. These grades do not affect the student’s gradebook total and letter grade.
- Assignment grades above the threshold are not dropped. These grades improve the student’s gradebook total and may improve letter grade.
- The system allows you to set some or all students to receive gradebook letter grades P for Pass and I for Incomplete. Other students will receive regular letter grades from the class’s grading scale.
Check grading scales
E-learning grading is available for traditional grading only. Standards-based grading is not supported by this feature. It also requires the traditional grading scales to indicate passing and not passing letter grades.
To check if a grading scale is setup correctly for e-learning grading:
- Go to Admin Main > Grading Scales
- The grading scale should have the following options under its title
- Calculate average: Yes
- Used for GPA: Yes
- The column Passing grade should have
- Yes for one letter grade at least
- No for one letter grade at least
This grading scale is supported by e-learning grading:
Whereas, this grading scale is not supported: