The Oklahoma FQSR (First Quarter Statistical Report) and ASR (Annual Summary Report) are OSDE Wave reports that summarize membership, transportation, and attendance data. Schools are required to certify these reports in the Wave, but also need to validate that the OSDE reports are aligned with their SIS data. After verifying that your school attendance and transportation data is complete and accurate in SchoolInsight, generate the following reports to provide supporting data for your FQSR and ASR:
Site/Grade Summary
This report summarizes transportation, attendance, and membership data and should match your OSDE FQSR and ASR reports.
To generate the Site/Grade Summary report:
Go to Admin Main > Reports >Site/Grade Summary
- Select a Time Frame and other options
- Generate Report
If the OSDE ASR and SchoolInsight Site/Grade Summary reports do not match, then it’s possible that the Wave and SchoolInsight are out of sync. This may happen when:
- The Wave has not requested your data recently
- Data has been changed in SchoolInsight after the most recent Wave request for data
- Prior Wave requests did not update Wave data
If the data on the Site/Grade Summary does not match the Wave and you have already waited a few days for the data to update, contact the OSDE. The OSDE may need to initiate a “soft delete” of attendance data and subsequently request attendance and calendar objects from SchoolInsight again. Once requested, hold off from making changes to attendance and calendars that could cause the reports to continue to be out of sync.
Transportation Register
This report provides the detailed data needed to support the transportation section of the Site/Grade Summary. It summarizes the total days transported for each student and includes the breakdown of student enrollment that is assigned to each transportation code as well.
To generate the Transportation Register Report:
Go to Admin Main > Reports > Transportation Register
- Select the Time Frame and other options
- Check Day Summary Information
- Generate Report
The summary totals at the bottom of the report will match the associated summary totals on the Site/Grade Summary for each transportation code.
Scroll through the Unassigned column. A number greater than zero in the Unassigned column indicates total days when a student has no transportation code assigned. Review the student enrollment information to verify that the student start and dates are correct and that the enrollment dates match transportation code start/end dates. Click here for more detailed information about missing transportation codes.
Attendance Register
This report provides data needed to support the attendance section of the Site/Grade Summary. It shows each student who was enrolled and includes the daily attendance for each day of the school year. It also summarizes total days present, absent, days enrolled, and days of attendance entered for each student individually as well as for the total enrollment.
To generate the Attendance Register Report
Go to Admin Main > Reports > Attendance Register
- Select the Time Frame and other options
- Check Day Summary Information
- Generate Report
The Present, Absent, and Enrolled summary totals at the bottom of each column will match Present, Absent, and Membership columns on the Site/Grade Summary.
The number of days enrolled for each student should be equal to the number of days entered for each student. If these two numbers do not match, then you have missing daily attendance. Click here to learn how to find and correct missing attendance.
Check Attendance and Transportation
Complete and accurate attendance and transportation data are required for FQSR and ASR reporting. Make sure that all students have transportation codes and attendance for the duration of all school enrollments.