This article explains how to update staff and instructor data fields that are required for Oklahoma Wave reporting. The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) requires the following employee data fields to be reported to the Wave in the StaffPersonal and StaffAssignment objects:
- Employee Number/Local ID
- Birth Date
- State Number/Province ID
- Ethnicity/Race
- Gender
- Citizenship Status
- Language
- Hire Date
- Job Function
- Primary Assignment
- Itinerant Teacher
- Job FTE
- Job Start Date (usually first date of school year)
- Job End Date (usually last date of school year)
- Teaching Assignment
- Other Code
There are 4 ways to update Oklahoma Wave data for an employee. Best practice is to update all known data using option 1 through 3, prior to using option 4. Option 4 is a data validation mechanism that is designed to show you missing and erroneous data after you enter data using the first three options.
Edit Employee
Editing a single employee is a good option when you have recently added a new employee or you have discovered that you have few employee errors. Please note that only admins with Sensitive Employee HR Data permissions can update this data.
When editing from employee single-view some data is found on the General tab and other data on the Demographics tab. Here is the Wave data you can update when editing an employee:
- General
- State Number/Province ID
- Hire Date
- Demographics
- Birth Date
- Ethnicity/Race
- Gender
- Citizenship Status
- Language
To update Wave data for an employee:
- Go to District/School Main > Employees single-view
- Search for and select the employee
- In each tab Edit then update the fields then Save
Edit Instructor
The Wave data fields that can be updated when editing instructors are:
- Itinerant Teacher
- Primary Assignment
- Job FTE
- Job Function
- Teaching Assignment & Other Code
- Job Start Date
- Job End Date
To edit Wave data for an instructor:
- Go to School Main > Instructors
- Edit an instructor
- Scroll until you find Instructor Data
- Update data
- Save
Edit Admin
The Wave data fields that can be updated when editing amins are:
- Itinerant Teacher
- Primary Assignment
- Job FTE
- Job Function
- Teaching Assignment & Other Code
- Job Start Date
- Job End Date
To mass edit admin data fields:
- Go to District/School Main > Admins > Edit OK State Data
- Update data
- Save
Verify Wave/SIF
The Wave data validation tool is designed to help find data that is missing or invalid according to Wave rules. It’s best practice to complete data entry using methods mentioned above before using the tool.
There are two staff objects available for viewing, verifying, and editing data:
- StaffPersonal
- StaffAssigment
To access and update data via the Wave/SIF validation tool:
- Go to District/School Main > WAVE/SIF Data > Verify Data
- If there are warning or error messages you can click details next to StaffPersonal or StaffAssignment
Each error or warning will allow you edit instructor or edit admin to update data