Illinois public school students in grade levels 3 - 8 take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) ELA and MATH tests, also 5, 8, and 11th grade students take the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA). Schools are required to track tests and accommodations data for students and submit this data to the Illinois Administration Platform. This article explains where the IAR/ISA tests and accommodations are stored and how to enter/edit them for a single/multiple student(s). To learn how to copy accommodations that were entered in a prior year, click here.
To view the IAR data:
- Go to Admin > Students single-view
- Find and locate a student
- Go to the demographics tab
- Find the data in the IAR/PARCC Assessments table
To enter or edit IAR data for a single student:
- Go to Admin > Students single-view
- Find and locate a student
- Edit student
- Scroll to the IAR/PARCC Assessments table
- Click the blue plus sign to add a new IAR assessment test
- Select the test and enter its accommodations (if any)
- Go back to step 5 to add additional assessments
- Save
To mass enter or mass edit IAR data for multiple students at once:
- Go to Admin > Students multi-view > Mass Edit
- Scroll to the IAR/PARCC ASsessments table
- Select a test and enter its accommodations (if any)
- Scroll and select all students to be updated
- Save
For more information about submitting the data to to the Illinois Administration Platform read the following KB: