Emails sent through TeacherEase are sent directly to the recipient’s email address, but usually a copy is also saved in the Email Logs, which can be viewed on TeacherEase. The question of who can access those email logs can be answered in two sections:
General Rules
Whenever an email or announcement is sent in TeacherEase, the default setting is to save it to Email Logs. Email logs function as a record of the sent emails and allow them to be viewed in TeacherEase.
When instructors and admins send emails, they can opt out of saving them in the email log. This option prevents the email from showing up anywhere in TeacherEase because it will be sent directly to the recipient’s email without being logged. Parents and students do not have this option, so their emails are always logged.
Admins can view email logs at:
- (School District) Admin Main > Communication > Email Log Report or Students - Single View > Email Logs tab
Instructors can view email logs at
- Instructor Main > Email Logs
Configurable Options
Schools can configure whether a user can view emails that are sent by someone other than him/herself. There are three related options, which can be found at (School District) Admin Main > Options > Email Log Permissions.
Employees can view logs of email sent by other employees to parents/students
Most schools keep this option turned on. When it is set to YES:
- School District Admins can view logged emails sent by any employee to any contact/student
- School Admins with the Email permission can view logged emails sent by any employee to any contact/student
- Instructors can view logged emails sent by any employee to students (or the contacts of students) in their classes
Employees can view logs of email sent by parents/students to other employees
Most schools keep this option turned on. When it is set to YES
- School District Admins can view logged emails sent by any contact/student to any employee
- School Admins with the Email permission can view logged emails sent by any contact/student to any employee
- Instructors can view logged emails sent by students (or the contacts of students) in their classes to any employee
Parents/students can view logs of email sent to/from other parents for their student(s)
Most schools keep this option turned off. When it is set to YES
- Students can view emails sent between their contacts and employees at the school
- Contacts can view emails sent between their students and employees at the school
- Contacts can view emails sent between other contacts of their student and employees at the school
- Siblings cannot view emails sent in reference to each other
Some schools decide to keep this option on so that Mom and Dad aren’t separately emailing the same question to their child’s teacher. Other schools turn it off to keep parent-teacher communication hidden from students.