This article explains how to create assessment tests in SchoolInsight. The purpose of creating a test event is to be able to create a uniform assignment which can be available to multiple classrooms across the district. Assessment tests may be internal or external. Both types of tests allow for grades to be compiled and analyzed in TeacherEase.
Internal assessment tests are taken by students when they log in to TeacherEase and are then graded by teachers online. These tests create a simple way to associate questions with specific learning targets. An internal test is built of questions from the item bank.
External assessment tests are used when the test is administered outside of TeacherEase. Instead of choosing assessment items, simply enter which learning targets are assessed on that test. Instructors will enter a score for each learning target, but not each question.
To create assessment tests:
- Go to Main > Tools > My Committees
- or (School District) Admin Main > Modules > Assessments > Assessment Tests
- or SBL Main > Assessment Tests
- Search for a course
- Create Test
- Enter a Title
- Select Common Assessment and the Item Location
- External test
- Click inside the Learning Target box to add the learning targets that are assessed
- In TeacherEase
- Save & Add Items
- Select the items you would like to add from the Item Bank
- Save
For internal tests, users can come back to the Assessment Tests page and Edit Items to add additional items until the time that a test event has been administered and an instructor selects “Feedback Complete, Return to Student” for at least one student.