A test event indicates a date or period of time that students will take an assessment test. By creating a test event, users can create a uniform, dated assignment which is available in multiple classrooms. The uniformity in the time frame and test material makes it possible for an admin to generate meaningful, time sensitive student performance reports across multiple teacher gradebooks and schools in the district.
The test event can only be administered after the assessment test has been created. Internal and external test events are created on the same page, although each functions a little differently.
Create a test event as instructor
Internal Test Events
Internal test events reference online tests that can be accessed and completed by students when they login to TeacherEase.
To create an internal test event:
- Go to Main > Tools > My Committees
- or (School District) Admin Main > Modules > Assessments > Test Events
- Create Event
- Enter a Description, choose an Assessment Test, select a Grading Period, and add the Dates that this test event will be administered
- Decide if/when the website should Show Solutions and Graded Work to students
- Set Options, such as whether the test is formative, whether students can hand the assignment in late, and whether students can view the assignment after the due date
- Select the classes that will take this test event
- Save
The test event will appear as an assignment on the Instructor Main > Gradebook > Assignments page. Instructors can edit certain fields, such as the assigned date/time and whether to assign it to specific students.
Once the assigned date/time has arrived, students can log into TeacherEase to take the test event. Instructors will be able to enter scores on the Status Console.
External Test Events
External test events function as regular offline assignments. As such, teachers can edit certain fields such as the assign/due date and which students the test will be assigned to. Also, external test grades can be viewed by students and parents in the student/parent portal.
To create an external test event:
- Go to School District) Admin Main > Modules > Assessments > Test Events
- Create Event
- Enter a Description, choose an Assessment Test, select a Grading Period, and add the Dates that this test event will be administered
- Indicate whether the test is formative/practice or not
- Select the classes that will take this test event
- Save
The test event will appear as an assignment on the Instructor Main > Gradebook > Assignments page. Instructors can edit certain fields, such as the date and whether to assign it to specific students, and they can enter scores for each learning target on the Standards-based Scores page.
Instructor-created Test Events
Instructors can create internal or external assessment tests events for their committees by going to Instructor Main > Tools > SBL Groups, selecting the SBL group, and going to the Assessments tab.