In TeacherEase, “standards” refer to a set of state or national learning goals that describe what students are expected to know at the end of each grade level. We recommend adding standards to a course before adding learning targets, as this allows you to associate each learning target with one or more standards.
To add standards to a course:
- Main > Courses > Course - Single View
- Search for the course you wish to add standards to
- Click the Learning Targets tab
- Get Started
- Select I will write my own Learning Targets and Continue
- Select the subject area and/or grade level using the drop-down menu
- Select the state standard(s) that will be covered by the course
- Add Standard
After taking these steps, the selected state standards will be associated with the selected course and any other courses in that SBL group. You will then be taken to a page where you can create learning targets, which you can learn more about here.