When the Timekeeping license has been enabled, you need to begin by setting up your district’s options.
Employee Hours Can Be Entered By
The first option related to Timekeeping on the Financials Main > Setup > General Settings page is the Employee Hours Can Be Entered By field. This lets you specify whether hours can be entered three different ways:
- Time In/Out is always enabled. It allows the specific time in and time out to be entered (e.g. started work at 7:30 AM, left work at 2:30 PM).
- Total Hours per Day can be enabled if employees should be able to enter that they worked 7 hours in a single day, without specifying exactly when they started or finished working.
- Total Hours per Pay Period can be enabled if employees should be able to enter that they worked 70 hours in a pay period, without specifying the distribution of those hours across days.
Round Fractions of an Hour
The second option related to Timekeeping on the Financials Main > Setup > General Settings page is Round Fractions of an Hour field
To make calculation of pay easier, many districts opt to round employees’ hours so as to avoid very odd fractions. You may choose to round to nearest 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes.
In addition to deciding the nearest number of minutes to round to, you will specify at which point between numbers the program will round up.
A common example setup might be to round to nearest 15 minutes (.25 hours), rounding up if equal to or higher than 8.
In this case, the website will identify the last 15-minute chunk of time worked, and see the remaining number of minutes. If that remaining number is equal to or higher than the number you specified, we will add an additional 15 minutes of pay.
A simple example would be an employee who worked from 8:00 AM to 3:24 PM. The nearest 15-minute chunk is from 8:00 AM to 3:15 PM, which is worth 7.25 hours of pay. Then there were 9 extra minutes worked between 3:15 PM and 3:24 PM. Since 9 is equal to or higher than 8, we will pay them the extra 15 minutes, as if they had worked until 3:30 PM, bringing their total pay to 7.5 hours.
A little more complex example would be an employee with the following time sheet, which has an employee clocking out for lunch:
Time In | Time Out | Minutes Worked |
7:57 AM | 11:42 AM | 225 minutes |
12:14 PM | 3:50 PM | 216 minutes |
The employee worked a total of 441 minutes, which rounded to the nearest 15-minute chunk, is 435 minutes (7.25 hours) plus an additional 6 minutes. Since 6 is smaller than the 8-minute rounding mark, no additional time is added, and the employee will be paid for 7.25 hours.
Financial User Permissions
Only Financial Users with the permission to view or modify Timecards will be able to view and modify timecards for other employees. These users will be able to view all created timecards, including in-progress ones that employees have started filling out but not submitted.
To give someone the ability to access the Timecards page:
- Go to Financials Main > Setup > Users
- Edit any Financial User
- Check the view or modify permission for Timecards
- Save
Employee Portal
In order for employees to view or create their own timecards online, that particular Employee Portal permission must be added to the district.
- Go to Financials Main > Setup > Employee Portal Settings
- Edit
- Check Allow Employees to Use Employee Portal (if it isn’t already checked)
- Check Timecards to allow them to view timecards that have been entered by Financial Users on their behalf
- Check Employees can enter their timecards to allow them to type up their own hours into a timecard
- Save
Employees must of course also be able to log in to the Employee Portal in order to enter their own hours. See Employee Portal for help enabling that access for each individual.
Additionally, only employees with payroll items that use the Hourly algorithm will be able to use timecards. Timecards are not intended for use by salaried employees unless they have additional extra-duty hourly positions.