The purpose of this article is to help admins set up and assign lunch pins. Lunch pins, when enabled, allow students to quickly type in their pin to complete their lunch order. Lunch pins are unique across the district and can be assigned to students and staff. They can also be copied over when students are being promoted to the next academic year.
This article will cover the following topics:
Set Lunch Pin Length
The first step in this process is setting lunch PIN length. Lunch PIN length is controlled at the district level. This is to create a uniform length of pin numbers across all buildings. Once pins have been entered, the length of the pins cannot be adjusted. To prevent PIN length from increasing over time, the system will reuse PINS from students who do not exist in the current academic years. Admins do not need to clear these manually to make them available.
To manage PIN Length:
- Go to District Main > Options > Lunch > Edit District Options
- Enter a value PIN Length
- Save
Enable lunch pins
Once the length has been set, you will want to determine which lunch mode is selected. Lunch pins can be managed at the District Level or school level based on the current lunch mode selected.
To determine what lunch mode you have
- Go to District Main > Options > Lunch
If “All schools share the same lunch room” then lunch Pins are district-managed. Otherwise, each school manages their own lunch pin.
To set up lunch pins at the district level:
- Go to District Main > Options > Lunch
- Edit District Options
- Select yes for Enable Lunch Pins
- Determine who you would like to assign pins to.
- Enter a value for lunch pin length
- Select how you would like Lunch Pins to be assigned
- Enter a starting PIN
- Save
To set up lunch pins at the school level:
- Go To School Main > Lunch > Options
- Edit
- Select yes for Enable Lunch Pins
- Determine who you would like to assign pins to.
- Select how you would like Lunch Pins to be assigned
- Enter a starting PIN
- Save
Assign Lunch Pins
Once lunch pins are enabled, they can be assigned at the District or School.
To assign lunch pins from the district:
- Go to District Main > Options > Lunch > View Lunch PINs
- Click on Mass Assign Lunch PINS
- Select Users to Receive New Lunch Pins
- Mass Assign Lunch Pins
To assign lunch pins from the school:
- Go to School Main > Lunch > Lunch PINs
- Click on Mass Assign Lunch Pins
- Select Users to Receive New Lunch Pins
- Mass Assign Lunch Pins
Lunch pins can also be manually updated or assigned.
To edit/assign a lunch pin to an individual student:
- Go to School Main > Lunch > Lunch PINs
- Find the student
- Select the Edit (Pencil icon) button
- Enter the new lunch pin
- Save