This article will go over the various reports available for the discipline module, as well as how to generate them.
This article will cover:
- Discipline incident detail report
- Discipline incident summary report
- Disciplinary Actions report
- Analytical reports
Discipline Incident Details Report
The Discipline Incident Details report is used for reviewing and sharing the details of discipline incidents with staff, students, and parents. The report offers a variety of filters so you can review incidents that meet a certain description.
To generate a discipline incident details report:
- Go To District or School Main > Discipline > Discipline Incident Details
- (District Level Only) Select which school to view
- Fill out the fields from the report:
- What to show: decide how the report is displayed
- Time frame: choose what time frame will be used when looking for incidents
- Students: Decide what students to display on the report
- Filters: choose to filter the report based on criteria such as disability, incident type, location, etc.
- Fields to show: choose fields to display on the report such, as incident type, location, action type, etc.
- Options: choose whether to show school name, whether to make the report a printable page, and whether to show one student per page (if applicable)
- Generate Report
Discipline Incident Summary
The Discipline Incident Summary report is used to quickly summarize data, such as how many of a specific type of incidents occurred. The report does offer a drill down feature as well, so you can click on a category to get more details about a particular subject.
To generate a discipline incident summary report:
- Go To District or Admin Main > Discipline > Discipline incident summary
- (District Level Only) Select which school to view
- Configure the what to show fields
- Choose what information you are summarizing in the report, either by number of incidents, number of students involved in the incident, or the number of unique students involved in incidents
- Choose to display the total duration of actions taken
- (if applicable) Choose to only display students who received an action
- Configure what to Subtotal By
- Controls the way rows and columns are grouped on report. For example, Rows: Incident Types and Columns: Grade level will display Incident types by Grade Level
- If you choose a row or column, a preview will display on the right side of the screen so you can preview how the report will appear
- Choose which students will appear in the summary
- Configure the filters on the report, such as student designation, disability, incident type, action type, location, and duration
- Configure the options to determine how blanks are handled
- Generate
Disciplinary actions
The disciplinary actions report is used to generate a list of students who have received an action on a specific date. This is useful for enforcing actions that require follow-up, such as creating a detention list, or useful to know when students have been suspended will return
To generate a disciplinary action report:
- Go To District or Admin Main > Discipline > Disciplinary Actions
- (District Level Only) Select which school to view
- Configure the report settings:
- Date: Choose what date you would like to view disciplinary actions on
- Action type: Choose to filter by a specific action type, or all action types
- Options: choose to show notes, the return date for the student, a school name, or if you want the report in a printable page
- Generate report
Analytical reports
SchoolInsight contains a variety of pre-built custom discipline, or analytical, reports that can be used to group your discipline incidents in a more defined manner. Since these reports are pre-built custom reports, you can use them as a base and modify them to create a report with the data you need. In total, SchoolInsight contains the following five discipline incident analytics reports:
- Average Incidents per Month
- Incidents per Incident Type
- Incidents by Time of Day
- Incidents by Location
- Incidents by Student
All five analytical reports behave in a similar manner, so please use the following example on generating a incidents per incident type report when using any of our analytical reports.
To generate a incidents per incident type report:
- Go To District or Admin Main > Discipline > Incidents per Incident Type
- (District level only) Select which school to view
- Configure the academic year, the timeframe to look at for that particular academic year, and it the report will be a printable page
- Generate
After generating the report, two things will appear: a graph that displays information relevant to the report type created, in this case a graph breaking down incidents by incident type, and a chart that shows a summary of each type of information, in this case a summary of how many incidents were of each type. Each line on this summary can be selected to generate a custom report for that specific information.
For example, Click on Violence with physical injury will generate a custom report that displays information about that type of physical injury.
To modify the analytical report, you just need to hit the “advanced options” button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to our custom reports page with all the settings from the analytical report pre-loaded for your convenience.