This article explains how to make a specific report card item active or inactive in order to control its visibility on report cards. Sometimes, it may be necessary to make a specific report card item active or inactive under the report card item list. For example, a Kindergarten teacher may need a report card item that assesses if a student can count to 1-20 only in one quarter, and then need a separate report card item to assess if a student can count to 1-100 in the next quarter. The admin can make those report card items inactive during the grading period in which they aren’t needed. The active report card items will be visible on report cards with grades actively entered for them, whereas the inactive report card items will be hidden from the report card without any loss of existing data.
If a report card item is marked inactive, it will no longer show on the report card for instructors or on the parent/student portal, and it can later be made active in order for it to appear again. This can save time down the road if a field is not wanted for use right now, but may be again in the future. Additionally, as long as data is present on a report card item, TeacherEase will not allow that report card item to be deleted, which prevents any loss of data. If the grades for a report card item should no longer be visible on the report card, the admin can simply inactivate the item.
To mark a report card item active or inactive:
- Go to (School District) Admin Main > Grade Reporting > Report Card Item Lists
- Select report card items next to the list to adjust
- Select edit next to the report card item to change
- Set Active to No to make the report card item inactive or Yes to make it active
- Save