In SchoolInsight, courses and classes are separate entities. Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Classes differ from courses in that they represent sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year, they are assigned to teachers, and they include a roster of students. Classes inherit the attributes of the courses that they are assigned to and, as such, classes can be referred to as sections of a course.
See the table below for the differences between courses and classes. For more information about courses and classes, click here.
Courses |
Classes |
Used across academic years |
Specific to an academic year |
Can have attributes directly assigned to them |
Inherit the attributes of the course that they are assigned to |
Are not assigned to a teacher |
Are assigned to a teacher |
Do not have a roster of students |
Have a roster of students |
Example: |
Courses in SchoolInsight
Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Courses have predefined attributes which describe the course (ie. title, course number, subject, rigor) and determine characteristics of the course such as the number of credits that a student can earn, grade reporting, state reporting, and scheduling options. Courses are consistent from year-to-year, can be used across multiple academic years, and are usually defined in the course catalog section of a school’s handbook. You can create and manage courses at Main > Yearly Setup > Course Catalog
Classes in SchoolInsight
Classes are sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year. Classes are assigned to courses and, as such, they inherit the attributes of the courses that they are assigned to. This makes it easy to create many class sections of a single course when more students may register for a course than can be enrolled in a single class. When creating a schedule for an academic year, teachers are assigned to classes and students are scheduled into class rosters. You can create and manage classes at Main > Yearly Setup > Classes/Sections.
The below diagram illustrates the relationship between classes and courses. This diagram shows that there are 3 class sections of the HONORS PHYSICS course: