Photos may be uploaded to existing student profiles individually from the Students - Single View page, or en masse from the Import Student Pictures page. Although most of the common image file formats are supported, including .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, and .tif, the file size cannot exceed 50 MB. Only admins with permission to modify students may upload student photos. Additional import/export permissions will be needed to upload student photos en masse.
To add an individual student photo:
- Go to Main > Students - Single View
- Select student
- Edit Student
- If a photo is present, click change picture or clear picture
- Browse / Choose File
- Browse to select photo
- Open
- Save
To add many student photos:
- Create a ZIP file containing student photos (see below for directions)
- Go to Admin Main > Import/Export > Import Student Pictures
- Select the following:
- Academic Year
- File Name
- Browse / Choose File
- Browse to select the ZIP file containing photos
- Open
- Match File Names By
- Choice should match numbers used to name the ZIP file photos
- Preview Mode
- Preview
- Wait! Generating the preview could take some time, depending upon the image file format and the number of student photos uploaded.
- When displayed, non-matched photos will be shown first.
- For each non-matched photo, select the matching student from the dropdown list
- Import
- Non-matched photos will not be imported
On occasions, your browser may fail to show the new student photos at the end of the uploading process. When that occurs, you will need to clear its cache to view the new photos.
How to Create a ZIP File
To create a ZIP file containing student photos:
- Create a folder containing only the student photos to be imported, using either the Student Numbers, State Numbers, or Internal Numbers as the photo names
- Right-click on the folder to display context menu
Choose Compress (Mac) or Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder (Windows) from the menu to create ZIP file