A special grade code can be used in place of regular grading scale grades on report cards.
They will not be included when calculating GPA, however, they may count for credits earned on transcripts, based on chosen selections. (See steps 5 and 6 below)
District and school admins can create special grade codes.
Some commonly used code examples include; I (Incomplete), S (Satisfactory/Pass), and U (Unsatisfactory)
To add a special grade code at the school admin level:
- Go to Main > Grade Reporting > Special Grade Codes > Create Grade Code
- At the district admin level, you may select which schools this code should apply to
- Enter a brief code that will appear on report cards, such as “I” for “Incomplete”
- Provide a description of what the code means
- Set Counts for Credit to “Yes” to include classes using this code when totaling class credits. Set to “No” and classes using this code will not count for credit.
- Set Is Passing Grade to “Yes” to have classes using this code show credits possible as equal to credits earned on transcripts. If set to “No” when "Counts for Credit" = “Yes”, credits earned will be zero on transcripts, for classes using this code.
- In Illinois, Missouri, or Oklahoma you need to select the corresponding state code
- Set Active to “Yes” to make the special grade code available for use
- Save