The report card grading period status controls whether report card grades are editable, viewable, or hidden.
- Active report card grading periods are available for grade entry and for viewing by teachers and administrators. Report card grading periods are set to Active at the end of a grading period, when it is time to enter report card grades.
- Complete report card grading period grades are available for viewing by teachers and administrators. Parents and students may also have access to view grades in Complete grading periods. Click here for more information about enabling access to report cards on the parent portal.
- Closed report card grading periods are not available to teachers, parents, or students. Closed grading periods are generally future grading periods and are intended to be hidden, as they are not yet ready for grade entry.
To change a grading period’s status on a report card:
- Go To School Main > Grade Reporting > Define Report Cards
- Or District Admin > Grade Reporting > Report Cards
- Click the grading period status link located at the right hand side of the report card
- Select the appropriate status for each grading period
4. Select additional options:
- Allow parents to generate report cards for "Complete" grading periods
- Create news feed item for instructors
5. Save
Instructor News Feed
Selecting the option to create a news feed item for instructors will result in a message to the instructor indicating that the grading period status of the report card has been changed: